Private Sessions

Receiving a guided Focusing session is the most direct way to experience the benefits of Focusing immediately.

During a one-to-one session, I will safely guide you through Focusing, using a skillful process of respectful reflection and compassionate suggestions. It's a little like I'm a soft, but experienced rumble strip that keeps you contained within the Focusing process. You don't have to know how to do the process yourself. You can relax and know that I am right there with you, creating a space for you to safely explore and be with whatever arises.


I teach INNER RELATIONSHIP FOCUSING for individuals, couples and for groups of 6-12 students. These courses consist of 5 two-hour sessions. In each session there is instruction, discussion and time for practicing what has just been taught. Between classes students practice with each other again, which helps to reinforce and integrate the material. Included is a written manual and access to videos relating to course content.

Please contact me directly or check back here for class dates and times. If you sign up for my email list I will notify you of upcoming classes and workshops.


From time to time I offer workshops on various topics relating to YOGA, MEDITATION, FOCUSING, DEEP LISTENING and more.

If you would like me to offer a workshop for a group or organization or want more information on what I can teach or about my fees, please leave me a message on my contact page and I'll be happy to talk with you about it.

If you sign up for my email list I will notify you of upcoming events, or you can check back here on my website at any time.

"I am so grateful for the skills I learned in your Deep Listening workshop! I have been keeping the deep listening practices in the back of my mind with almost every encounter I have with people. It is amazing how much more I am aware of the way I listen and interact with others. Thank you for your deep wisdom and support."
Debbie Bohnett
Labyrinth guide and retired teacher

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