Mary Keeney, RN, BA
Certified Focusing Professional
Certified iRest Meditation Instructor
Certified Yoga Instructor and Yoga Therapist
For as long as I can remember I have been seeking ways to end suffering, my own and others’, in order to create peace. Along the way I have been an RN, a teacher of holistic health, a Transactional Analysis coach, an Aikido instructor (Second Degree Black Belt), Vivation Breath Therapist, Reiki teacher and practitioner, Thai massage bodyworker, Yoga teacher, Yoga Therapist, co-owner of a Yoga studio for 18 years, a Certified iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation teacher…and a wife, mom and grandmother.
My latest venture of the past four years has culminated in becoming certified as an Inner Relationship Focusing Professional under the auspices of Ann Weiser-Cornell. I am a registered practitioner with the International Focusing Institute as well as with Focusing Resources .
As I look back over my life, it’s clear now that every one of these vocations was in the service of creating peace. My passion is assisting others to find the peace, freedom and joy of a life lived to its fullest potential.
Because I have personally experienced such profound benefits from this work and witnessed them in others, I am now adding it to my lifetime accumulation of knowledge, skills, and experience, offering courses in INNER RELATIONSHIP FOCUSING and doing Private and Couples Sessions.
I wholeheartedly believe that Focusing helps us to end the inner conflicts that keep us endlessly captivated by past traumas, triggered by outer events and reacting instead of responding. This new awareness and skill leads us to inner peace…. and thus we become peacemakers in a world that needs us so desperately.